Widely known as a Japanese Martial Art, Karate actually has its roots in China.
We pride ourselves on having a direct lineage to the founders of Shotokan Karate. An advanced rank at our dojo will have a direct line to the Founder of Shotokan Karate.
Traditional Shotokan Karate is an ancient art, continually improved by modern science, ever-evolving and changing. We do our best to bring the most quality instruction to our karate students. At the Missouri Karate Association, we only test under the most Senior Instructors of Sensei Nishiyama.
Although the island of Okinawa is regarded as the birthplace of karate, it’s origins can be traced back further - to China.
In the sixth century, the legendary Indian monk Bodhidharma, is said to have travelled to China to spread the doctrine of Zen Buddhism. Having been refused an audience with the emperor, he settled in the Shaolin monastery. Here he found the monks too physically weak to follow his strict meditation regime.
To remedy this, be began to teach a series of physical exercises. At the time, monasteries were centers for learning and were frequented by political and military leaders who saw the possible martial applications of the exercises being taught. Over time the exercises developed into a fighting system that was to become known as kung fu.

Okinawa (now a Japanese prefecture) has always held a position of importance, being a stepping-stone between China and Japan. The island has historically had cultural, political and military exchanges with both countries. One of the more notable exchanges took place in 1392, when 36 families from China settled on Okinawa, most likely bringing with them knowledge of kung fu.
These fighting methods were adapted and further developed by the Okinawans and came to be known as te (meaning “hand”) or to-de (written to mean “Chinese hand” and pronounced kara-te in Japanese). One contributing factor to the development of te as an unarmed fighting art was a number of successive weapons’ bans imposed by domestic and invading rulers between the 15th and 17th centuries.
Over time different styles of te developed to suit practitioners with different physical attributes. Three key styles are Shuri-te, Tomari-te and Naha-te, named from villages in Okinawa where the styles were popular. The Shuri-te and Tomari-te styles specialized in light, fast techniques while the Naha-te style focused on strong, heavy techniques.
Master Sokon Matsumura (1797-1889) founded the Shorin-Ryu style of karate which combines elements of Shuri-te and Tomari-te. Two of his students of note were Ankoh Azato (1827-1906) and Ankoh Itosu (1832-1915) who practiced Shuti-te and Naha-te respectively. These two experts had a student in common named Gichin Funakoshi (1868-1957) who would become known as the father of Shotokan karate. He combined the principles of both styles in an attempt to create a well-balanced style that could be easily learned by all.

Gichin Funakoshi (his pen-name was “Shoto”, hence “Shoto-kan” meaning Shoto’s club) was a schoolteacher, and in conjunction with Itosu and others had karate introduced to the Okinawan school system. In 1921, he led a demonstration for the then Crown Prince Hirohito who was passing through Okinawa on his way to Europe.
As a result of the interest shown by the Crown Prince, Funakoshi received invitations from various groups in Tokyo to demonstrate his art. Invitations came from, among others, the Ministry of Education and the Kodokan (judo’s headquarters). These demonstrations lead to the establishment of many clubs, most notably in Japan’s universities.
During this period (1920’s-40’s) what was to become known as “Shotokan” continued to be developed by Funakoshi and his senior students, especially his son, Yoshitaka (1906-1945). In order for karate to be accepted as a Japanese art (and not an Okinawan import) certain changes were necessary. One of these was to change the characters used to spell karate so that the meaning became “empty hand” rather than “Chinese hand”. Other requirements were the adoption of a standardized grading system and a standardized training uniform.
As a result of the Second World War, many of the top karate experts were either killed or stopped training. As Japan gradually recovered after the war and formal training resumed, it became apparent that much knowledge had been lost. In 1948 a meeting was held between some of the remaining top karate practitioners in Japan to pool their knowledge and standardize what was being taught. This meeting resulted in the formation of the Japan Karate Association (JKA) in 1949, with Funakoshi as chief instructor.

Master Gichin Funakoshi

Master Hidetaka Nishiyama

Sensei Avi Rokah
Sensei Avi Rokah is the traditional karate world's most sought after instructor.
He studied daily under Master Nishiyama for 27 years.
1994 World Champion
5 times US National kumite (fighting) champion ('90, '91, '92, '94 & 2001)
Winner of numerous regional, state and other international competitions
Sensei Rokah teaches many seminars annually throughout Europe and North America and is looked by Nishiyama followers as the heir of the master.
—courtesy of Rokah Karate
Studying under Nishiyama Sensei, Avi Rokah (8th Dan) became a highly acclaimed international competitor, thoughtful student of karate and instructor at his own dojo. Beyond competition, his passion is in learning and improving karate and sharing its beauty. Many karate experts consider sensei Rokah the finest and most knowledgeable karateka after his teacher master Nishiyama. Sensei Rokah is a gifted, devoted and patient instructor who spends his waking hours finding better ways to teach his many dedicated students.
"I studied under Sensei Nishiyama daily and full time for the past 27 years, while I study I run my dojo and taught many hours. He passed away on November 7, 2008. I competed successfully for 27 years nationally and internationally, but my passion is in learning and improving karate and sharing its beauty."

Sensei Toru Shimoji
Sensei Toru Shimoji (5th Dan) is the chief instructor at Traditional Karate Atlanta. Sensei Shimoji has over 3 decades of internationally recognized teaching experience. He served as the president of the American Amateur Karate Federation (AAKF) from 2009 to 2011 and is currently a member of its Technical Board.
Mr. Shimoji received his Dan rankings and instructor certification from his teacher, Hidetaka Nishiyama (a direct student of Master Gichin Funakoshi – the founder of our system). Mr. Shimoji additionally holds a B.S. in Kinesiology from UCLA.
Among his notable achievements, Sensei Shimoji is the head coach for the US National Team, World Kata Champion of the 2000 Nishiyama Cup in Moscow, and silver medalist at the 2002 ITKF World Championships in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
Sensei Shimoji is also an accomplished sculptor. His sculptures can be viewed at his art website.
—courtesy of Jinsendo Karate
"Teaching is an art form. I would say that human beings basically learn by watching, hearing, or doing. Each person has his/her tendency or preferred modality of learning. So I try to identify the learning style of the student (visual, auditory or tactile) and then hone in to get the message across. I also identify the source of motivation, which helps me to further fine-tune my communication with the student. Of course, even with your best efforts, you still lose students. The process of learning to be a good teacher is dynamic and ever-evolving."

Sensei Chris Smaby
Sensei Christopher Smaby (8th Dan JKA, 8th Dan USKF) has been in the Martial Arts for over 50 years. He has been formally trained exclusively by Japanese Instructors and is one of the most senior students of world-renowned Hitetaka Nishiyama, 10th Dan, JKA International. Mr. Smaby is also is qualified to instruct Kyusho-Jitsu/Daito Ryu Jujitsu. Additionally Mr. Smaby has created “Personal and Professional Safety for Women” self-defense classes.
Mr. Smaby received his first formalized training from Sensei Sugiyama in Chicago. Instruction also included two years with Master Enoeda in England while in the Air Force. In 1975 Mr. Smaby began his constant training with Master Nishyama.
Mr. Smaby also received instruction from the following high ranking masters. Senseis Nakayama, Kanazawa, Shirai, Yamguchi, Kase, Ueki, Oishi, Kawazowe, Iida, Okazaki, Mikami, Obata, Tanaka, Yaguchi, Kato, Asano, Katsumata, Iwakabe, as well as Master Mabuni for Shitoryu style, and Master Seiu Oyata from RyuKyu Kempo Okinawan Karate. Mr. Smaby is also trained in Judo, Bojitsu, Kendo, Iiado, and Aikido.
In 2012, Mr. Smaby participated in a 10 day training program in Okinawa with 10 of the world’s most senior Senseis of Okinawan Karate.
LAW ENFORCEMENT: Mr. Smaby is the full time Police Training Specialist for the Cedar Rapids Police Department. Previously he had been Training Officer for the Sheriff’s Department for 27 years and 22 years with the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy.
INSTRUCTOR OF: Defensive Tactics, Violence Intervention/Use of Force, Linn County Immediate Response Unit, Iowa Law Enforcement Academy, Defensive Tactics and Fitness, Cedar Rapids Police Academy, and Iowa State Patrol.
CERTIFICATIONS: ILEA Firearms Instructor, ILEA Chemical Munitions Instructor, F.B.I. Law Enforcement Fitness Instructor, ILEA Defensive Tactics, ILEA Fitness Instructor, TASER Instructor, Certified Instructor of R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense), and Certified Instructor of NRA Refuse to be a Victim.
QUALIFIED INSTRUCTOR OF: Straight Baton P.P.C.T. Systems, Edged Weapon Defense P.P.C.T Systems, Side Handle Baton P.P.C.T. Systems, Active Counter Measures Systems, Armaments Systems/Procedures, Inst. ASP Crowd Control - by Monadnock Corp, Kansas City. Police Academy Weapon Retention Systems Defensive Tactics Instructor certified by Justice Training Association, Pressure Point Control Tactics Management Systems
UNIVERSITY OF IOWA: Masters Degree:Body Mechanics/Fitness Education. MINNESOTA STATE UNIVERSITY: Bachelor of Science: Fitness Education/Business Administration NATIONAL CRISIS PREVENTION INSTITUTE, INC. MEMBER OF: International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA)